We assist clients in virtually every conceivable issues or challenge that may confront our clients in the area of family, rela- tionship and domestic areas.
From the preparation of agreements that help de ne and organize cohabitating and married couples who wish to avoid fu- ture problems by creating pre-nuptial or cohabitation agreements; to working with clients to ensure their wills and powers of attorneys meet the needs of their sometimes complex lives.

Our focus in situations of marriage or relationship Separation is always constructive and settlement centered. We canvass with our clients all aspects of their new lives and sometimes challenging circumstances and we work with them to structure settlement scenarios that will avoid the expense and the strife of contested court proceedings, using all assets at our dispos- al including out of court meetings and mediation if necessary, especially if there are children involved.

If contested proceedings are necessary we have extensive experience with the Processes of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Manitoba. We have acted on all areas of court document dra ing be it Application or Petition based, through any necessary Motions, Case Conferences or property references.
We can assist as well in circumstances of involvement of child protection agencies and other third party entities who be- come involved with your family